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    Showcasing Initiatives

    BeSpace - Prayer Spaces in Schools 

    Many Primary Schools benefit from the support of volunteers from their local churches, trained by BeSpace to host annual prayer or reflective spaces either in the school or church.

    These temporary creative spaces can be set up indoors or outdoors using reflective activities and artefacts from the BeSpace resource bank

    Open the Book - sharing Bible stories in primary schools

    Local church volunteers who are trained by the 'Open The Book' team bring bible stories to life in a weekly Open the Book assembly. These assemblies provide opportunity for pupils and staff to explore the lives of people and events in the Christian Bible, in ways that enrich RE teaching and learning, school core vision, and help nurture spiritual awareness and growth.



    Wantage CE Primary

    • Chaplaincy presence for staff and pupils
    • Strategic HT and SLT support to help address SIAMS priorities and plan school-led Chaplaincy initiatives
    • Whole-school engagement with 'Life in Abundance' core vision and spirituality enrichment project - decorating an altar and lectern and making a cross for the entrance.

    Wantage CE Primary Case study with feedback - click here 

    St Nicholas CE Primary 

    • Chaplaincy presence for pupils and staff
    • Collaborative work with HT, SLT and clergy to address SIAMS priorities and plan school-led Chaplaincy initiatives
    • Core vision Pilgrimage concept and skeleton framework to inspire whole school engagement, and use of pilgrimage as an accessible spiritual practice. Detailed collaborative planning between HT, SLT, Clergy, BeSpace and OTB volunteers. See Resources and Links page for more information.
    • Taster outdoor reflection initiative linked to school gardening with Year 4 pupils and a TA/Forest School leader. Please see the Resources and Links section for sample outdoor reflections. 
    St Nicholas CE Primary Case Study with feedback - Click here


    KA's West Site

    • Themed Reflective Space for Y7 and Y8 students
    • Chaplaincy presence for pupils and staff
    • Strategic support to help develop Chaplaincy provision that builds on existing initiatives 
    • Taster student and Chaplain-led pastoral initiatives
    • Space Makers training for staff 
    KA's West Site Case Study with feedback - click here



    Mrs Beckley has been organising and hosting themed reflective spaces for students at KA's West Site for many years. This special space in the Humanities block offers students a welcome space to 'be still and quiet' during lunch breaks, and provides them with an opportunity to engage with deeper questions that can prompt spiritual awareness and growth. 

    Click here to explore the KA's West Site Reflective Space Gallery and also the Y6 Transition Day Reflective Space. We hope the ideas will inspire you to offer something similar in your school. 



    A residential retreat, a quiet day or half day, perhaps even just a few hours to 'be' and draw breathe, in a beautiful and prayerful place, can be  refreshing to the soul. 

    St Mary's Convent is often described as a spiritually 'thin' place between heaven and earth, where a sense of peace; God's presence can be experienced. 

    The Community of St Mary the Virgin runs organised Retreats and Quiet Days which are open to all.  Please check the Upcoming Events page for more details.

    "We also welcome other organisations hosting their own Retreats and Quiet Days, as well as individual guests wanting to make use of our facilities for spiritual reflection.

    The sisters of the community of St Mary The Virgin continue to be involved in education in many different ways, for example, through prayer for schools, patronising BeSpace, and providing office space to the VAT, ODST and ODBE. 


    If your school initiative is not listed here, but you have examples of good practice supporting children and young people's spirituality and wellbeing, that could inspire others, please email images and descriptions to 

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